Analysing Energy Efficiency of Cell Selection Schemes for Femtocell Networks with Limited Backhaul Capacity
Deepali Gaur, Ajay Kumar Singh "Analysing Energy Efficiency of Cell Selection Schemes for Femtocell Networks with Limited Backhaul Capacity". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V26(1):1-5, August 2015. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Demands of mobile data is ever increasing. To handle these demands operators have to deploy additional base stations such as microcell, picocells and femtocells. Deployment of these low power base stations not only improves network capacity but also improves energy efficiency in a cost effective manner. When multiple base stations are available in the vicinity, mobile users have to associate themselves to one of these base stations. This process of association is commonly known as cell selection scheme. Based on the association, users are assigned transmit power and bandwidth from target base stations. Additionally, the sum traffic passes through the backhaul connecting base station and core network depends upon the users associated with that base station. In this paper, we study the energy efficiency aspect of cell selection schemes for femtocell networks. We also look into the limited femtocell backhaul capacity constraint when user association is done. Obtained results are verified using extensive simulations.
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Femtocell, cell selection schemes, energy efficiency, performance evaluation, backhaul capacity.