3D Graph Drawings: Good Viewing for an Occluded Edges
Tariq O. Fadl Elsid, Samani A. Talab "3D Graph Drawings: Good Viewing for an Occluded Edges". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V27(2):87-92, September 2015. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
The growing studies show that the human brain can
comprehend increasingly complex structures if they
are displayed as objects in three dimensional spaces.
In addition to that, recent trends of information
technology advances have led to the yielding of a lot
of data, and consequently have led to many large and
complex models of 3D graph drawings in many
domains. 3D graph drawing and presentation
techniques are combined available at interactive
speed. Even large graphs with hundreds of vertices
can be meaningfully displayed by enhancing the
presentation with additional attributes of graph
drawings and the possibility of interactive user
Good Drawing (Visualization) resolves the problems
of the occluded structures of the graph drawings and
amplifies human understanding, thus leading to new
insights of information visualization.
The aim of this paper is to describe our work, which
usesa force-directed algorithm as a framework to
address problem edge-edge occlusions. The yielding
three dimensional graph drawings conform to
various standard criteria layout aesthetics of good
viewing graphs. The implementation of the work is
done by Gephi package, which has built-in force
directed layout algorithms, specifically Fruchterman
and Reingold approach. We interactively visualize
many 3D graphs of different size and complexity to
support our method. The result shows that our work
is capable of producing good viewpoints for 3D
graph drawing,by usingFruchterman and Reingold
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3D Graph Drawings, 3D Graph
Visualization, Edge-edge Occlusion, force-directed
layout, Good Viewpoint, Gephi.