Implementation of Computer Graphics on 3D Animation “Good Manners of Ghatotkacha”
Wahyu Pujiyono, Yana Hendriana, Ade Nuru Trisnawan "Implementation of Computer Graphics on 3D Animation “Good Manners of Ghatotkacha”". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V28(4):192-199, October 2015. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
In the Modern Age, the children are less familiar
with puppets. Lack of children in recognizing the puppet is
due in the beginning, the puppet was created for adults.
Foreign cultural influences cause children to prefer
entertainment from the outside, like a cartoon of the familiar
puppets. As a result, the Indonesian people increasingly
forget traditional culture to culture because it does not
stand alone, one only is the art of puppetry. The proof, the
art that is "valuable" is less familiar to children as a
potential replacement for generations to come. Based on the
above, further research will be done to create 3-dimensional
animated puppet movie Ghatotkacha. The film was made
with the Indonesian leather puppet culture-based computer
The methodology used to obtain specifications animated
film Ghatotkacha Exemplary Good is interview, observation,
and literature. Animated film done by the method of 3-
dimensional animation production pipeline: pre-production,
production and post-production. Ghatotkacha animated film
tested by the method alpha test and the black box test.
From the making of the film, the final result
Ghatotkacha animated film A Good Example. The animated
film introduces the puppet culture to children. Ghatotkacha
animated film was also made to appreciate the culture of
Indonesian puppet. Alpha testing and black box test test
carried out on the animated film Ghatotkacha. The test
results showed that Ghatotkacha animated film is an
animation with puppets culture of Indonesia. Ghatotkacha
animated film is a cultural appreciation for the puppet to
convey positive values for children aged 6 to 12 years.
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