An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Java Code Coverage Tools

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2015 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-29 Number-3
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Shaik Khasim Saheb, Devavarapu Sreenivasarao, Prof.T.V.Narayana Rao, M Kiran Kumar
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V29P126


Shaik Khasim Saheb, Devavarapu Sreenivasarao, Prof.T.V.Narayana Rao, M Kiran Kumar "An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Java Code Coverage Tools". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V29(3):150-156, November 2015. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.

Abstract -
Coverage is a measure used in software testing. It decides the percentage in which the source code of a program has been tested. Today so many code coverage tools are available to check how much code is being tested. Some tools have their own advantages and limitations. In this paper, we propose to give a survey in such a way that which tool is giving effective results when compared with other tools in consideration of all scenarios. We also explain how to catch, analyze and testing the code of java programs. The major part of this survey examines the most commonly used coverage based testing tools. We also survey over-and-above features which are affiliated with code coverage based testing tools. Such features accomplish tools more advantageous and experimental, particularly for large-scale, real-life popular software applications. This study make-believe each tool has its individual features attached to its application domains. Therefore, this study can be used to select the right coverage testing tools based on various requirements.

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[7] Mr. Shaik Khasim Saheb working asAassistant professor ,CSE in Sreenidhi Inistitute of Science and Technology. He has completed M.Tech (CSE) in VIT University and his research area include Software Testing and Image Processing, Computer Networks, Information Security and Big Data. He has published 3 Papers in various International Journals.
[8] Mr. Devavarapu Sreenivasarao working as Assistant professor,CSE in Sreenidhi Inistitute of Science and Technology. He has completed M.Tech (CSE) in JNTUH, Hyderabad and his research interests include Software Testing ,Image Processing, Computer Networks, Information Security, Big Data and Cloud Computing. He has published 7 Papers in various International Journals.
[9] Prof. T.V. Narayana Rao working as Professor, CSE in Sreenidhi Inistitute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad. His research area includes Software Testing, Network Security and Image Processing, Big Data and Cloud Computing. He is member on editorial boards of many national and international journals and has published 99 Papers in various International Journals.
[10] Mr. M Kiran Kumar working as Assistant professor in Sreenidhi Inistitute of Science and Technology. He has completed M.Tech (CSE) in HCU, Hyderabad and his research area includes Software Testing and Image Processing, Computer Networks, Information Security and Big Data . He has published 3 Papers in various International Journals.

code coverage, test cases, measurements, analysis and effectiveness.