Implementation of Viewing and Networking Systems in a Military 3-Dimensional Environment
Firas Abdullah Thweny Al-Saedi, Fadi Khalid Ibrahim "Implementation of Viewing and Networking Systems in a Military 3-Dimensional Environment". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V30(1):59-66, December 2015. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
This paper discusses the viewing system for a
3-Dimensional (3D) military training environment. The
viewing system is used to view the 3D environment from
different aspects to make the user able to decide what action
to take in the simulation according to the environment
parameters. Also, the networking system for the environment
is discussed, that is, another user can use another computer
connected with a network to the first one to monitor the first
user`s performance. Also, the second user can choose a
soldier from the user’s soldiers team and participate in
action along with the first user.
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3D, 3D camera, object follow camera,
networking, multiplayer.