MrunaliWaghmare, AishwaryaLingaware, Neelam Padole, Priyanka Meghare "E-Locker". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V33(1):25-28, March 2016. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Many times documents lost in certain mishaps like
fire mishaps, natural calamities as earthquake,
tsunami or any accident. Then it is very difficult to
get these lost documents after those mishaps. Also
when there is need to submit documents in the
college or any office many times it happens that
those physical documents may lost and procedure
may get delay. Recently in Nepal earthquake
people lost their documents and for rehabilitation
there was need of documents to build their houses
and for jobs. It was not easy to get their documents
To overcome all these problems there is need of
reliable and secure system. For this E-locker is
good solution which provides secure dedicated
personal electronic space for storing documents of
students and staff member of college. It provides a
dedicated personal e-storage space to each
account linked to their enrollment number. Cloud
Based E-Locker is a website where one can create
a personalized web Gallery on cloud to store
images, audio, video files, and other document.
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Cloud computing, Azure
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