Tracking system based on traces analysis and SVM classification
Amali Said, EL Faddouli Nour-eddine, Mourchid Mohammed "Tracking system based on traces analysis and SVM classification". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V33(2):71-75, March 2016. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
For several years, the Moroccan
universities have put themselves in the digital
technology with an increasingly sustained
development of the e-learning. In this context, we
have adopted a blended learning approach to
support the face-to-face learning in the school of law
and economics at Meknes. The success of such
learning system is based on a good learners tracking
by a tutor who needs accurate and aggregated
information’s to identify learners who need support
to progress in their learning path. We propose in
this paper a tracking system based on traces
analysis and classification with SVM. This system is
composed of several web services.
du 2014/08/18
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