Study of Voice Controlled Personal Assistant Device
Abhay Dekate, Chaitanya Kulkarni, Rohan Killedar "Study of Voice Controlled Personal Assistant Device". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V42(1):42-46, December 2016. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
In the Modern Era of fast moving
technology we can do things which we never thought
we could do before but, to achieve and accomplish
these thoughts there is a need for a platform which
can automate all our tasks with ease and comfort.
Thus we need to develop a Personal Assistant having
brilliant powers of deduction and the ability to
interact with the surroundings just by one of the
materialistic form of human interaction i.e. HUMAN
VOICE. The Hardware device captures the audio
request through microphone and processes the
request so that the device can respond to the
individual using in-built speaker module. For
Example, if you ask the device ’what’s the weather?’
or ’how’s traffic?’ using its built-in skills, it looks up
the weather and traffic status respectively and then
returns the response to the customer through
connected speaker.
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Artificial intelligence, Natural
language processing, online Information Services,
Distributed System, Personal Computing.