Cluster usage analysis of timeline based grid scheduling algorithm
Bimal VO, M. Anand Kumar "Cluster usage analysis of timeline based grid scheduling algorithm". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V43(1):20-23, January 2017. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Grid computing is an ever demanding technology for the effective and fast completion of very compute-intensive applications like space and research problems and it also promises some economic benefits such as utilizing spare resources in other time zones that are in a period of reduced business activity[1]. Much of the Grid computing vision yet remains to be fully implemented, except with relatively specialized applications, and in certain types of environments, such as research and education organizations, or leading-edge financial services companies.[4] One of the barriers to the adoption of Grid computing is the relative complexity of customizing and adapting workloads to make them suitable for hosting on a Grid. Job scheduling software, which automates the assignment of workloads to hosts based on the priority of a job, is relatively mature, but it has traditionally been used to manage resources at the level of individual applications [21]. In order to ensure proper execution of an application that is submitted to a Grid, it is necessary to provide the application with the software environment that it needs to execute. Scheduling algorithms plays an important role in this dynamic execution of jobs[3].
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