Mobile Banking System in India: Practices,Challenges and Security Issues
Ravi Gupta, Mr. R. Praveen Kumar, Anuj Bharadwaj "Mobile Banking System in India: Practices,Challenges and Security Issues". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V43(1):24-48, January 2017. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
The objective of this application is to provide a net banking facility to all potential customers. Using this facility customer can quickly complete their transactions online. The purpose is to design a system which simplifies the banking related operations. In present system all traditional works are done either manually or using Internet. This requires customers to visit the facility to complete the work or one has to access an Internet facility. This often wastes time and results in more effort. The proposed system is a web based application and provides a centralized database with all related information. The application is a banking facility through which all payments can be done at a single place. The system provides a number of interfaces for different functionalities and operations. This enables customers to quickly complete all works and also to verify the results of various transactions.
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