Image Steganography for locked communication scheme
Anvesh. K, P. Madhuri, T. Navyasri "Image Steganography for locked communication scheme". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V46(1):32-36, April 2017. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
We propose a novel approach for steganography using a reversible texture synthesis. A texture synthesis process resamples a smaller texture image, which synthesizes a new texture image file, a new audio file, a new video file and a new text file with a similar local appearance and an size is directly proportional to the secret file which embedding by a texture image. We weave the texture synthesis process into steganography to conceal secret file. In contrast to using an existing cover image to hide secret file, our algorithm conceals the source texture image and embeds secret file through the process of texture synthesis. This allows us to extract the secret file and source texture from a stego synthetic texture. Our approach offers three distinct advantages. First, our scheme offers the compression capacity that is up to the size of the stego texture image. Second, our steganographic approach very different from existing approaches on steganography. Third, the quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the end user and presents the information clearly. Experimental results have verified that our proposed algorithm can provide various numbers of embedding capacities, produce a visually plausible texture images, and recover the source secret file.
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Texture Synthesis, Plausible Texture Steganography.