Comparative Analysis of Models for Student Performance with Data Mining Tools
A. K. Shrivas, Pragya Tiwari "Comparative Analysis of Models for Student Performance with Data Mining Tools". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V46(1):42-46, April 2017. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
In modern time the analysis of student
performance is very challenging task for every
educational institutions. The main reason behind that
rapid growth of population and increasing number of
schools and colleges claiming that they can give their
students quality education and provide the best
environment for quality learning and many other
aspects through which they can increase the
performance capabilities in each and every student.
There are different researcher have worked in the
field of analysis of student performance, but they
have not achieved satisfactory result. In this research
work, we have used various data mining techniques
for analyzing of student performance using WEKA ,
Rapid Miner, Tanagra and Orange data mining tools
in case of both Portuguese and Mathematics Dataset
. Random forest gives best accuracy as 93.52% in
Weka data mining tool while 73.65% of accuracy in
Tanagra data mining tool in binary and multiclass
problem respectively with Portuguese data set.
Similarly, in case of Mathematics dataset, Radom
forest achieved 92.40% of accuracy in Weka data
mining tool while 74.43% of accuracy in Orange
data mining tool with binary and multiclass problem
respectively. Finally, Random forest is robust model
for classification of student performance.
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Data Mining, Classification, Student