Global Positioning System
Rupish Arora, Asmita Gautam, Shilpa Sahni "Global Positioning System". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V46(2):80-83, April 2017. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
A system that supports the activity of
moving to a place or finding a place is a navigation
system. Global Positioning System (GPS) is the
popular term for navigation system. GPS is a
satellite system whose basic aim is to find the
current location and provide directions to other
locations. This paper gives an overview of GPS, its
basic concepts, GPS receiver and its working. The
basic concepts include trilateration and system
segmentation. A simple GPS receiver requires only a
screen and a compass. Now GPS is not only limited
to a single country but has become a global
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Navigation, GPS, Trilateration,
System segmentation, Location.