Proposing a model on Security challenges in cloud computing especially Social Media and Social Sites
Fayaz Ahmad Lone, Dr. Amit Kumar Chaturvedi "Proposing a model on Security challenges in cloud computing especially Social Media and Social Sites". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V47(1):68-73, May 2017. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
For big data application security
challenges, Social media is the next battleground.
Big social data can serve as an early warning
system of trouble brewing and a leading indicator
of imminent action by a potential troublemaker.
Mostly Social media listens for early detection of
adverse events and product quality surveillance. It
may also be used for product recommendation. In
this paper, we will focus to uncover ideas and open
problems with big data security in cloud computing
especially Social Media and Social Sites. We have
also proposed a model Information Measuring for
Social Media [IMSM] Model for improving the
contents and quality of information on social sites.
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