Supplementing Video Accessibility and Availability using Information Bound Reference and DCT
D.Dhayalan, R.Rohini, M.Pavithra, M.Porkalai "Supplementing Video Accessibility and Availability using Information Bound Reference and DCT". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V47(2):122-126, May 2017. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
We propose a new scheme to provide customer with
different quality of same video and high quality of
experience and also provide support for diverse operating
systems with minimal upfront costs. The new scheme in our
paper is to address the key algorithmic and system design
challenges in realizing information bound reference base
content retrieval framework for that Information Bound
Reference must be useful for encoding immutable, durable
to contention and compact. Using Information Bound
Reference we can copy the content that is most suitable for
their device and network condition. The hashing schemes in
our proposals operate at the byte level. Thus, the names for
different encodings of the same content will be different and
preclude opportunities for leveraging the alternative
[1]Uploading [online]Available on:
[2]YCbCr color space [online] Available On:
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DCT, Hashing, IBR, quantization,