Neuro-Fuzzy Classification
Shwetali Hiwarkar, Jyoti Yadav, Reena Nair, Reshma Nair "Neuro-Fuzzy Classification"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V4(4):693-695 April Issue 2013 .ISSN Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract: - The system proposed in this paper is the implementation of the neuro-fuzzy classification system. Feature wise degree of belonging of patterns to all the classes are obtained using fuzzification process. A fuzzification process will generate a membership matrix having elements equal to product of classes and features in the dataset. This matrx is then given as input to NN. Classification accuracy and KIA is used for performance measurement.The proposed system learns well even with lower percentage of training data that makes the system faster
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Keywords — Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic, Classification, Fuzzification, Multi-Layer Perceptron, Defuzzification, KIA .