A Secure Novelty Leach Protocol to Extend the Life Time of Wireless Sensor Network
N.Tamilarasi, K.Vanitha, A.Vijayapriya "A Secure Novelty Leach Protocol to Extend the Life Time of Wireless Sensor Network". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V50(2):83-86, August 2017. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Wireless Sensor Networks plays a major role in recent technology. In many real time applications we are using Extending Network life time is the main unseen area in wireless sensor network (WSN). There are many clustering approaches that were used earlier to enhance the network lifespan. .It is also necessary to protect the network from unauthorized access .In this paper we have defined a Novelty LEACH protocol to raise the overall lifespan of the wireless sensor network that joins the concept of LEACH(low energy adaptive protocol) and the security issues especially the detection of malicious node in the network. LEACH is a dynamic protocol, in which cluster head rotates for each round. For security purpose, the author uses cryptographic techniques such as encryption and decryption.
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LEACH, Cluster Head, Cluster member, Encryption, Decryption.