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Thierry Noulamo, Bernard Fotsing Talla, Merlin WANE, Loïs Hurel Nzothiam Takou, "A Model-Driven Approach for Developing WEB Users Interfaces of Interactive Systems," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 33-43, 2020. Crossref,
Nowadays, User Interfaces are complex software components that play a vital role in the development of the interactives applications. Its development requires, as for another phases, the use of a process that integrates the development of visual models and a standardized notation for this visualization. We propose two meta models: a generic source meta-model called ”DD-IHM” for "Description Diagram for Human Machine Interfaces" and a target meta-model called ”AbstractForm” based on the PEAR framework, more specifically its HTML QuickForm package. Then we apply a set of generic rules to make the models operational in HMI. The first transformation performed with ATL (M2M) will transform a source model compliant with DD-IHM into a target model compliant to AbstractForm. Then, we implement M2T rules transformation using the template approach with Xpand to transform our target model into PHP code directly usable in a web application. The proposed meta-models is implemented in Eclipse with ECORE. We apply our proposal to the HMI of an online registration application.
Interactive Systems, Model Driven Engineering, Model Transformation, DSML, ATL, Xpand.
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