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Meteb Altaf, Alaa Menshawi, Rana Alomran, Nada Asiri, Wadha Aldriawish, "An Intelligent Mobile Application for Customizing Travelers Trips," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 1-13, 2020. Crossref,
Ibn Battuta system is a mobile application that helps travelers to construct a customized trip schedule for each day of the travel journey in short time. The application is a result of developing an intelligent, creative and unique algorithm that fulfill traveler’s needs and preferences. There are many factors considered during the construction of the trip schedule to make it as efficient and effective as possible. It integrates with Google map API to save traveler’s time by takes advantage of building the daily schedule for the traveler based on the shortest distance between tourist attractions. Budget is another important aspect that taken into account when building the trip program. In order to have a cost-effective plan; attractions with discounted offers have the highest priority in inserting attractions in the schedule in discount period. Moreover, type of attractions preferred by travelers, time dedicated for each type are considered. The most recommended places and landmarks having high priority as well. Number of travelers including kids and adults, number of hours spends in touring also are included while constructing the trip schedule. Ibn Battuta is ubiquitous with the traveler; it applies the idea of ubiquitous computing by tracking traveler’s location and informing him/her when they are nearby some recommended and popular attractions, landmarks or highly recommended restaurants using use of “Geofences” feature.
Decision support system, Mashup technology, Android, Google Map, Travel, Trip Schedule, Traveler Guidance, Tracking, Geofences.
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