E-Delivery Microservices Based Multi-Channel Communications Delivery Framework

© 2024 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-5
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Amol Gote
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V72I5P101

How to Cite?

Amol Gote, "E-Delivery Microservices Based Multi-Channel Communications Delivery Framework," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 5, pp. 1-10, 2024. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V72I5P101

Effective client communication is paramount for building strong customer relationships and driving business success in the rapidly evolving startup landscape. However, managing and delivering communications across multiple channels can be complex and resource-intensive. This paper presents a comprehensive microservices-based E-Delivery framework to streamline and optimize client communication processes. The E-Delivery framework comprises three core logical components: Managing Templates, E-Delivery Service, and Core Notification Service. This modular architecture facilitates scalability and clear separation of concerns, allowing each component to scale independently based on communication demands. The Framework leverages the power of technologies such as Apache Kafka, AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS), and AWS Simple Email Service (SES) to ensure efficient and reliable message delivery. A key novelty of the E-Delivery framework lies in its template-driven approach, enabling consistent and personalized communication across channels while adhering to brand guidelines. The paper explores the real-world implementation of the Framework at iCreditWorks, a fintech company operating in a multilingual environment, showcasing its effectiveness in delivering diverse communications to clients. The E-Delivery framework offers numerous advantages, including scalability through event-driven architecture, consistency through templates, separation of concerns, flexibility with Kafka streams, and abstraction of third-party service dependencies. By addressing the complexities of client communication, this Framework empowers startups to enhance customer engagement, build stronger relationships, and ultimately drive business growth.

Client Communications, Microservices, Communication Framework, Template Driven Messaging, Apache Kafka.


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