The Convergence of Big Data Analytics and CRM Practices: A Review

© 2024 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-7
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Arun Gupta
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V72I7P109

How to Cite?

Arun Gupta, "The Convergence of Big Data Analytics and CRM Practices: A Review," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 7, pp. 74-82, 2024. Crossref,

This review paper delves into the convergence of big data analytics and customer relationship management (CRM) practices, showcasing how their integration is reshaping modern business. The utilization of big data analytics in CRM systems is becoming increasingly crucial as organizations strive to enhance customer experiences and drive growth. The paper explores various big data analytical techniques in CRM, including predictive analytics, segmentation analysis, sentiment analysis, social media analytics, customer journey analysis, real-time analytics, and text analytics. The integration of big data with CRM systems is examined, highlighting both the benefits and challenges. The benefits include improved customer segmentation, personalized marketing strategies, and elevated customer satisfaction. The challenges discussed encompass data privacy concerns, the necessity for data governance, and fostering a data-driven culture within organizations. Drawing on case studies and examples from companies like Amazon, Netflix, Airbnb, and Walmart, the paper demonstrates practical applications and outcomes of Big Data-driven CRM initiatives. These examples illustrate how organizations can leverage big data analytics to tailor user experiences, enhance customer satisfaction, and optimize business processes. Despite the challenges, the future of Big Data analytics and CRM holds promising opportunities for innovation and transformation in driving business success and strengthening customer relationships. The paper concludes with insights into future trends and offers recommendations for effectively integrating Big Data analytics into CRM practices to remain competitive in today's data-driven economy.

Big data, CRM, Data-driven solutions, Personalized marketing strategies.


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